To upload exchange trades, deposits, and withdrawals into Blockpath's tax prep tool, you can import an Excel spreadsheet .xlsx file containing the trades.
We've tried to make the format as simple as possible, so it will be easier to format your data correctly for our tool.
Below are the 8 columns of data necessary.
The first row in the document is assumed to be a headers row, and it will be ignored.
You can use our template document here, and fill it in with your data.
When the trade was finalized or transaction was created. Can be formatted one of two ways:
Options -
- Unix Epoch Seconds: 1540026505
- ISO8601 Datetime: 2018-10-20 13:50:43
The type this item will be categorized as. Capitalization not important.
Options - 'Deposit', 'Withdrawal', 'Buy', 'Sell'
For Transactions, Withdrawals, or Deposits: 3 letter currency code
"USD", "BTC", "ETH"
For Trades, Sells, or Buys: 2 sets of 3 letter currency codes separated by a slash "/". First symbol is the base currency being bought or sold. Second symbol is the quote currency that the trade is priced in.
Buying 1 BTC for US Dollars: "BTC/USD"
Buying 1 ETH priced in BTC: "ETH/BTC"
Base Currency:
- For Transactions, Withdrawals, or Deposits: The amount of currency being transacted.
For Trades, Sells, or Buys: The amount of the base currency being traded:
Buying 1 BTC for $4000 US Dollars: Base Currency value = 1
Buying 1 ETH for 0.0324 BTC: Base Currency value = 1
The value can be positive or negative, we will use the "Type" to determine the sign.
Quote Currency:
- For Transactions, Withdrawals, or Deposits: Leave Blank.
For Trades, Sells, or Buys: The amount of the quote currency being traded:
Buying 1 BTC for $4000 US Dollars: Quote Currency value = 4000 (do not include $ sign)
Buying 1 ETH for 0.0324 BTC: Quote Currency value = 0.0324
The value can be positive or negative, we will use the "Type" to determine the sign.
Trading Fee (optional):
The amount of Fee Currency that was charged to you for making the trade. Fees for transactions are ignored, because those are treated as just normal spending (you are paying for the service of transferring.)
Fee Currency (optional):
The 3 letter symbol of currency the fee was charged in.
Tx Hash (optional):
For Transactions, Withdrawals, or Deposits only. The transaction hash of the on-chain Bitcoin transaction. We use this to match transfers into/out of exchanges, so that the transfer will not be considered a taxable sales event. If two transactions/withdrawals/deposits have the same tx hash, both items will be ignored.
There is nothing here.